
Fakta om udbudet

2022/S 033-083858


Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen

Electro-optical systems for the Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization

Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen


Denne bekendtgørelse er kun vejledende


Direktiv 2014/24/EU

Del I: Ordregivende myndighed

I.1) Navn og adresser
Officielt navn: Forsvarsministeriet Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelsen
CVR-nummer: 16287180
Postadresse: Lautrupbjerg 1
By: Ballerup
NUTS-kode: DK Danmark
Postnummer: 2750
Land: Danmark
Kontaktperson: KAPS - Oline Zacho Hansen
E-mail: ozha@kammeradvokaten.dk
Telefon: +45 31743117
Overordnet internetadresse: https://www.fmi.dk/
I.3) Kommunikation
Udbudsmaterialet er gratis, ubegrænset og fuldt tilgængeligt på: http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=322878&B=KA
Yderligere oplysninger fås på den ovennævnte adresse
Elektronisk kommunikation kræver anvendelse af værktøjer og anordninger, der ikke er almindeligt tilgængelige. Der er gratis, ubegrænset og fuld adgang til disse værktøjer og anordninger på: http://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/rwlentrance_s.asp?PID=322878&B=KA
I.4) Type ordregivende myndighed
Ministerium eller en anden myndighed på nationalt plan eller forbundsplan, herunder regionale eller lokale afdelinger
I.5) Hovedaktivitet

Del II: Genstand

II.1) Udbuddets omfang
II.1.1) Betegnelse:

Electro-optical systems for the Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization

II.1.2) Hoved-CPV-kode
38600000 Optiske instrumenter
II.1.3) Kontrakttype
II.1.4) Kort beskrivelse:

The Danish Defense Acquisition and Logistics Organization ("DALO") plans to tender a framework agreement regarding procurement of electro-optical systems.

As part of the preparation to the tender, DALO would like to request information regarding some specific topics from potential contractors. The purpose of this request is to understand how the best possible tender can be arranged both for DALO and the suppliers according to the EU regulation.

II.1.5) Anslået samlet værdi
Værdi eksklusive moms: 210 000 000.00 DKK
II.1.6) Oplysninger om delkontrakter
Kontrakten er opdelt i delkontrakter: nej
II.2) Beskrivelse
II.2.2) Supplerende CPV-kode(r)
38636000 Optiske specialinstrumenter
II.2.3) Udførelsessted
NUTS-kode: DK Danmark


II.2.4) Beskrivelse af udbuddet:

DALO is in the process of equipping among others the Naval Home Guard vessels and Coastal Rescue Service vessels with new and improved electro optical systems.

In connection with this effort DALO is looking for up to three different types of COTS gyro-stabilized electro-optical systems that all three encompasses both daylight cameras and thermal cameras (with sensor resolution of minimum 640x480):

• A low weight system with a sensor unit weight of maximum 10 kg, with an un-cooled thermal sensor. There is a requirement for optical zoom of the daylight camera, but not on the thermal camera.

• An extended range system with a sensor unit weight of maximum 25 kg, with an un-cooled thermal sensor. There is however on this system a requirement for optical zoom on both the daylight and thermal cameras.

• A high sensitivity system with a sensor unit weight of maximum 25 kg that entails a cooled thermal sensor. There is also a requirement on this system for optical zoom on both the daylight and thermal cameras.

The electro-optical systems are intended for Search-and-Rescue operations on both the Coastal Rescue Service vessels as well as on the Naval Home Guard vessels. The Naval Home Guard vessels will also use the electro-optical systems for ship inspection and close proximity navigation in poor visibility conditions. Both the Coastal Rescue Service vessels and the Naval Home Guard vessels are currently equipped with the navigational software TIMEZERO from MaxSea, which the future electro-optical systems will be integrated with.

As part of the preparation to the tender, DALO would like to request information regarding some specific topics from potential contractors. The purpose of this is to understand how the best possible tender can be arranged both for DALO and the suppliers according to the EU regulation.

DALO ask potential contractors to review and answer the questions as listed in the "Request for Information" in the tender platform (see section 1.3).

Deadline for answering the RFI is the 4th of March 2022.

II.2.14) Yderligere oplysninger
II.3) Foreløbig dato for offentliggørelse af udbudsbekendtgørelse:

Del IV: Procedure

IV.1) Beskrivelse
IV.1.8) Oplysninger om GPA-aftalen om offentlige udbud
Dette udbud er omfattet af GPA-aftalen: ja

Del VI: Supplerende oplysninger

VI.3) Yderligere oplysninger:

The date in section II.3 is an estimated date of publication. The actual publication of the tender is dependent on the potential contractors input.

The estimated value of the contract is between 90.000.000-210.000.000 DKK excluding VAT. See section II.1.5 for the maximum estimated contract value.

VI.5) Dato for afsendelse af denne bekendtgørelse:

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