
Fakta om udbudet




16/18433 - NVV-GST OHL conductor for river crossing


OpgavebeskrivelsePurchase of approx. 6 kilometer of 400 kV OHL conductor and 1,5 kilometer of OPGW for river crossing.
Further information regarding the tendered contract can be found in the tender material.
Annonceret24. november 2016 16:00:00 CET
Deadline14. december 2016 12:00:00 CET
UdbudstypeMindre danske udbud
CPV kode31321100, 31681410

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmaterialehttp://eu.eu-supply.com/app/rfq/publicpurchase_frameset.asp?PID=175944&B=&PS=1&PP=

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

TildelingskriterierØkonomisk mest fordelagtige bud
UdvælgelseskriterierThe procurement procedure is conducted as a negotiated tender procedure. The tenderers are asked to submit their tender at the deadline shown in Udbud.dk and EU-Supply. The tenderer who submits an application compliant with the below mentioned minimum requirements will be invited for the negotiation process.
The minimum requirements must be submitted through EU-Supply. To fulfill the minimum requirements you must submit:
General information:
The applicant must submit a general description of the applying company, including address, VAT-number and contact information for the contact person (phone number, e-mail and address).
If the applying company wants to rely on the capacity of other entities regarding either “Economic and financial capability” or “Technical capability” it shall prove to the contracting authority that those resources will be available to it by delivering a commitment by those entities to that effect.
The Contracting authority reserves the right to request missing information.

Solemn declaration:
The applying company must submit a signed solemn declaration. This Solemn declaration will be provided through EU-Supply at a later time.

Economical overview:
The applicant must submit the latest audited annual report for the applying company including the following economic indicators:
• Equity (total equity incl. share capital, reserves, revaluation, retained earning etc.)
The following minimum requirement must be fulfilled:
• Equity must be at least DKK 200.000
Furthermore the financial number must be stated in the document “Prequalification template” placed in the document folder in EU-Supply.
The Contracting authority reserves the right to request missing information.

The applicant must submit a reference list of the 5 most similar and relevant references completed within the last 10 years. A similar reference will be a reference that shows an application of similar span of river crossing as requested in the tender material. The references should be filled out in the “Prequalification template” placed in the document folder in EU-Supply with the requested information. The references must include name of employer, contract period and a motivated description of the reference including river span.
The applicant must only submit 5 references. If more than 5 references are submitted only the first 5 will be part of the evaluation.
The references must be stated in the document “Prequalification template” placed in the document folder.
The Contracting authority reserves the right to request missing information.


NavnEva Damsted Juhler
Telefon+45 23462696


AdresseTonne Kjærsvej 65
7000 Fredericia
Telefon+45 70102244


Andre kommentarerTo get access to the tender material and to be able to submit tender, please register your company/log into EU-Supply.
Please follow this link to be guided to EU-Supply:

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