
Fakta om udbudet

2015/S 062-109585

Bestilling af materiale

7 Hyldegårdsvej
2920 Charlottenlund
E-mail: mia@arkitektkonkurrencerdk.dk
Internet address: http://www.arkitektkonkurrencerdk.dk



Anmodning om deltagelse

30.04.2015 Kl. 16:00


Danish Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties (SLKE)


CUBO arkitekter

Nyborg Castle - restoration and new buildings

Danish Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties (SLKE)

This contest is covered by: Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority/entity

I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)

Danish Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties (SLKE)
2 H C Andersens Boulevard
Contact point(s): Danish Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties (SLKE)
For the attention of: Annette Straagaard
1553 Copenhagen K
Telephone: +45 33929977
E-mail: asg@slke.dk

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority/entity: http://www.slke.dk

Further information can be obtained from: Anne-Mette Bølling, ARKITEKTKONKURRENCERDK
7 Hyldegårdsvej
2920 Charlottenlund
E-mail: mia@arkitektkonkurrencerdk.dk
Internet address: http://www.arkitektkonkurrencerdk.dk

Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)

I.2)Type of the contracting authority
Ministry or any other national or federal authority, including their regional or local sub-divisions
1.3)Main activity
Recreation, culture and religion
1.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities/entities
The contracting authority/entity is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities/entities: no

Section II: Object of the design contest/description of the project

II.1.1)Title attributed to the design contest/project by the contracting authority/entity:
Nyborg Castle: Restoration and new buildings.
II.1.2)Short description:
An invitation to participate in an international design competition followed by a negotiated procedure concerning a masterplan for Nyborg Castle on the island of Funen in Denmark is hereby issued.
Nyborg Castle and its environs are to be revitalised so that they will become a new coherent cultural heritage site that provides better understanding of the historical fortress structure on the castle island, enhanced cohesion between castle and town, and new facilities for presentation, interpretation and exhibition. In addition to the masterplan that is to include the town hall square and the ramparts, existing listed buildings are to be restored and a new exhibition building is to be established within the castle perimeter.
The design competition is organised jointly by the A P Møller Foundation, Realdania, the Danish Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties (SLKE) and Nyborg Municipality. The competition is both ambitious and highly unusual, as entrants are asked to present proposals for the addition of new buildings to a listed ancient monument and to add new facilities to a listed building complex. A multitude of considerations are to be given to the listings, archaeological traces and ruins in and on the ground, and the response proposed to these challenges will be decisive in the assessment of entries. The Danish Agency for Culture is therefore a key party in this competition and will also act as adviser to the assessment panel.
It should be noted that the actual exhibition design is not part of this competition.
Nyborg Castle and the surrounding town are a unique cultural heritage monument dating from the Middle Ages. It was at this castle that Denmark's first ‘constitution' was signed on 29.7.1282, and the castle was also the statutory venue for the assemblies of the Danish parliament at the time, the Danehof. In those days, the castle was left vacant whenever the king was not residing in it — precisely as it is vacant today.
The vision is to achieve a winning entry that can communicate the historical significance of the castle, the fortress and the square to the town of Nyborg through the combination of new and old into a coherent entity on the castle island that will enhance understanding of the town square, the ramparts and the castle. The aim is not to bring the castle back to a certain ideal state, but to emphasise and explain the original idea and integrity of the site. Entrants are requested to present proposals for one or more new buildings to be added to the castle. The Royal Wing and the Watchtower are to be restored, and the castle courtyard is to be demarcated. The height of the Watchtower may be increased if this is deemed necessary for future understanding of the site as a whole. In addition, one or more new bridges may be built between the town and the castle island, and a new layout and use of the town square and nearby urban spaces and landscapes may be proposed.
The competition sponsor would like applicants to form teams with the competencies and qualifications needed to realise the vision. Such teams may comprise both Danish and international enterprises.
The competition sponsor intends to shortlist 6 teams for participation in the competition and to select up to three equal winners of the competition who will be invited to participate in the negotiated procedure. The negotiations will be conducted with each winning team individually, and there will be several negotiation meetings with intermediary submissions of the entrants' adjusted designs.
The total construction budget is in the region of 200 000 000 DKK exclusive of VAT. This amount includes building site costs, winter measures and contingencies, but not consultants' fees. It excludes the cost of exhibition design and furniture.
SLKE intends to enter into a lead consultancy agreement with the entrant that after ending the negotiated procedure has submitted the most economically advantageous tender. The agreement will be consistent with the principles set out in the General Conditions for Consultancy Services (ABR89) and the services to be provided will in all essentials be described in accordance with the service descriptions for building and planning prepared by the Danish Association of Architectural Firms (Danske ARK) and the Danish Association of Consulting Engineers (FRI).
Time schedule: The inauguration of the completed project is scheduled for 2019.
II.1.3)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)

71000000, 71200000, 71400000

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Criteria for the selection of participants:
The contracting authority will select the teams to participate in the design competition on the basis of an assessment of their technical capacity (competencies in the fields of architecture, landscape design and engineering) and financial capacity. The main emphasis will be on their technical capacity and in that connection their multidisciplinary competencies and approach to the project in the light of the complexity of the assignment.
Participants will be selected on the basis of the information provided so as to ensure the best possible competition.
The following information must be submitted:
1. Complete company details: Company name, ownership, organisation, address, business registration number, email address, telephone number and mobile number.
Name, email address and mobile telephone number of contact person.
2. Number of employees within the past 2 years, preferably broken down by relevant occupational groups. If the applicant company is less than 2 years old, the number of employees in the period since the company's formation should be stated.
3. Annual revenue, equity and balance sheet for the past 2 financial years. If the applicant company is less than 2 years old, information for the period since the company's formation should be stated.
4. Key figures concerning customer satisfaction. Companies that are VAT registered in Denmark are required to submit key figures (max. 3 fact sheets)/ a grading report for building projects previously realised; see section 6 of Executive Order No 1469 of 16.12.2009 on key figures for governmental construction projects, etc. Applicants who do not have key figures calculated in accordance with the definitions set out in the executive order, or applicants who are not VAT registered in Denmark, must submit similar information certified by an independent third party; see section 6(5) of the executive order. In this respect, the client is not considered an independent third party. Similar information includes information about performance within the past 3 years such as:
A. Statements from clients concerning 1) deadlines; 2) defects; and 3) customer satisfaction.
5. Reference projects, preferably similar projects or information about other activities that reflect the applicant's approach to architecture, appreciation of materials, approach to restoration, perception of landscaping and urban spaces, presentation and interpretation, and adaptation of new buildings to a historical context, or other information that testifies to competencies that enable the applicant to realise the vision defined for the project. The reference projects may be realised projects or projects currently being designed or constructed. A maximum of 8 reference projects may be submitted and, together, they should demonstrate the team's experience relative to the assignment at hand. No more than 10 A4 pages containing text in font size 10 (equivalent to 5 A4 sheets printed on both sides) may be submitted. If material in excess of this maximum is submitted, material following the first 10 reference pages will not be included in the assessment of the applicant's technical capacity.
Reference projects, etc. must not be more than 15 years old.
The applicant's role in the reference project as well as the year of construction, the name of the client and the construction cost must be stated for each reference project.
6. The applicant must enclose a brief written reason for the application for the team as a whole including a description (max. 2 A4 pages) of the team's attitude to the project and approach to working with new buildings in such a unique historical context.

7. A solemn declaration concerning unpaid due debt to public authorities. A template can be downloaded at http://www.udbudsportalen.dk/Vaerktoej/Standard-skabeloner/Tro-og-love-erklaringer/ It is not a requirement that this form be used. The declaration may not be more than 3 months old at the date on which this contest notice was submitted for publication.

8. A solemn declaration that the applicant is not excluded from participation for one of the reasons stated in Article 45 (1) and (2), points (a), (b), (c), (e) and (f) of the Procurement Directive (Directive 2004/18/EC).
Applicants who base their application of the financial capacity of other companies (i.e. companies other than those being part of the applicant's lead consultancy team or consortium) must include information in their application about the financial capacity of those entities, as stated in items 2), 3) and 5) above and must also substantiate that they have the resources necessary for the performance of the contract. Such substantiation may be in the form of a declaration or documentation of commitments to contribute to the project.
It is an absolute requirement for an applicant consortium that the major participants in the consortium (team) that is eventually awarded the lead consultancy contract assume direct, joint and several liability for the performance of the lead consultancy contract and appoint a joint representative to represent them vis-à-vis the contracting authority (the competition sponsor).
In addition, the application must include an organisation chart that identifies the legal entity with whom the contract is to be signed and, in the case of a consortium, the distribution of roles between the consortium participants.
The information required in item 1 above must be provided for all consortium participants.
The references mentioned in item 5 above must cover the entire team. If the information is not provided or is only provided partially for a consortium participant, the application will not be considered to be non-conformant, but the failure to submit complete information may influence the selection of participants.
If the applicant wishes importance to be attached to the financial capacity of sub-consultants and/or advisers or business partners in the shortlisting of participants, the application must be accompanied by documentation showing that the sub-consultant, adviser or business partner places its financial capacity at the disposal of the applicant in connection with the realisation of the project. The information required as set out in items 1-7 must also be submitted for such sub-consultants, advisers and business partners. If such information is not submitted, or if it is only partially submitted for a sub-consultant, adviser or business partner, the application will not be considered to be non-conformant, but the failure to provide the information may influence the selection of participants.
If the applicant does not provide the information set out in items 2-5 above, the application will generally not be considered to be non-conformant, but the failure to supply the information may influence the selection of participants. Failure to enclose the information set out in items 1 and 6-8 above may mean that he contracting authority will be compelled to disregard the application.
The teams selected for participation in the competition may add new sub-consultants, etc. to their teams later on in the process. The conditions for doing so will be stated in the competition material.
Applicant teams are requested to limit the extent of their application material.
Pre-qualification applications are to be in Danish or English. 5 hard-copies and a USB memory stick with a high-resolution and a low-resolution version of the application (max 10 MB) are to be sent to Annette Straagaard, The Danish Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties (SLKE), 2 H C Andersens Boulevard, DK-1553 Copenhagen K.
III.2)Information about a particular profession
Participation is reserved to a particular profession: yes
The competition is open to firms of architects, landscape designers, restoration consultants and engineers.

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1)Type of contest
Envisaged number of participants: 6
IV.2)Names of participants already selected
IV.3)Criteria to be applied in the evaluation of projects:
In Stage 1 of the competition entries will be assessed on the basis of their ability to realise the vision and meet the wishes and requirements set out in the competition brief.
Entries will, in no particular order of priority, be assessed on the basis of their overall ability to
— enhance and explain the unique historical connection between castle and town;
— create new buildings and elements that reinterpret and highlight the original fortress in an overall context of new and old elements;
— create coherent facilities that will give visitors to the cultural heritage site a complete experience;
— be robust towards subsequent introduction of new exhibition concepts;
— propose restoration principles that serve to realise the vision for the site;
— safeguard the listed and archaeological assets of the site;
— comply with the budget and ensure build ability.
IV.4)Administrative information
IV.4.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority/entity:
IV.4.2)Conditions for obtaining contractual documents and additional documents
IV.4.3)Time-limit for receipt of projects or requests to participate
Date: 30.4.2015 - 16:00
IV.4.4)Date of dispatch of invitations to participate to selected candidates
IV.4.5)Language(s) in which projects or requests to participate may be drawn up
Danish. English.
IV.5)Rewards and jury
IV.5.1)Information about prize(s):
A prize/prizes will be awarded: no
IV.5.2)Details of payments to all participants
All teams that submit a conformant entry that complies with the requirements set out in the competition brief will receive a fee of 200 000 DKK exclusive of VAT immediately after the announcement of the competition result. Entrants selected for participation in the negotiated procedure who submit a proposal that complies with the requirements formulated in connection with the negotiations will receive an additional fee of 300 000 DKK exclusive of VAT immediately after the announcement of the final winning entry.
IV.5.3)Follow-up contracts
Any service contract following the contest will be awarded to the winner or one of the winners of the contest: yes
IV.5.4)Decision of the jury
The decision of the jury is binding on the contracting authority/entity: yes
IV.5.5)Names of the selected members of the jury
1. Anders V Møller, Chief Executive, SLKE (chair)
2. Annette Straagaard, Head of Department, SLKE
3. Henrik Tvarnø, Director, A P Møller Foundation
4. Pernille Illum, Project Adviser, A P Møller Foundation
5. Hans Peter Svendler, Executive Director, Realdania
6. Christian Andersen, Head of Programme, Realdania
7. Kenneth Muhs, Mayor of Nyborg
8. Lars Svenningsen, Chief Executive, Nyborg Municipality
9. Erland Porsmose, Director, Museums of Eastern Funen
10. See Section VI.2) Additional information, 14)

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.2)Additional information:

Questions concerning this contest notice may be sent in writing to mia@arkitektkonkurrencerdk.dk

2) The deadline for submission of questions is ten days before the final date for submission of applications. Questions and answers will be uploaded to www.arkitektkonkurrencerdk.dk Background information about the competition can be downloaded at http://arkitektkonkurrencer.dk/index.php?id=29

3) No further written material will be issued in connection with the pre-qualification.
4) All application material including packaging must be marked ‘Nyborg Castle competition' and sent to the Danish Agency for Palaces and Cultural Properties (SLKE).
5) SLKE is the client and contract holder.
6) If the project is stopped before a contract has been signed with the winning entrant, or if the winning entrant is not entrusted with the assignment within two years of the announcement of the result, compensation in the amount of 200 000 DKK exclusive of VAT will be payable to the winning entrant. If the winning entrant is subsequently entrusted with the assignment, the compensation amount will be considered part payment of the consultant fee.
7) The pre-qualified teams will be requested to submit a service certificate issued by the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency together with their competition entries. The service certificate serves to document that none of the conditions listed in Article 45(1)(a), (b), (c) or (d) and (2)(a), (b), (c) and (f) of Directive 2004/87/EC apply to the participant. Such documentation must not be more than six months old at the time of submission. A service certificate issued by the Danish Business Authority or similar official certificate from another country may be used as documentation. If no such official documents are available in the country where the entrant is resident, a dated and signed solemn declaration may be submitted.
8) The realisation of the project is conditional upon the final approval of the contracting authority.
9) The competition language is Danish and Danish will also be the language used in the realisation stage. The competition brief will be issued in a printed version and a PDF version in Danish and in a PDF version in English.
10) The design completion period is scheduled for June 2015 to late August 2015. Following the assessment of the entries, the negotiated procedure is likely to take place between November 2015 and mid-April 2016.
11) A site visit and Q&A meeting will be held for shortlisted teams in Nyborg on 9.6.2015. Further information will be provided in connection with the distribution of the competition material.
12) The announcement of the final results is scheduled for the spring of 2016.
13) The competition material will provide further information about the submission of entries. It will be the competition entrants' responsibility to ensure that the deadline is observed.
14) Re IV.5.5) Names of the selected members of the jury: 4 design professionals will be appointed members of the jury. They will represent the following fields of expertise: architecture/exhibition design, landscape design/urban spaces, restoration and engineering.
15) Competition entries must be handed in to a post office or express delivery service by 25.8.2015 and must reach the recipient by noon on 28.8.2015 in order to be accepted for assessment.
16) Anne-Mette Bølling, architect MAA, ARKITEKTKONKURRENCERDK, will act as competition adviser throughout the competition period and will also be secretary to the assessment panel.
VI.3)Procedures for appeal
VI.3.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures

Klagenævnet for Udbud/Appeal Board for Public Procurement
Dahlerups Pakhus, Langelinie Allé 17
2100 Copenhagen
E-mail: klfu@klfu.dk
Telephone: +45 35291000
Internet address: http://klfu.dk

VI.3.2)Lodging of appeals
Precise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: Complaints about non-pre-qualification must be submitted to the Appeal Board for Public Procurement within 20 calendar days from the date on which the contracting authority notified the applicant in question. Other complaints about the tendering procedure must be submitted to the Appeal Board for Public Procurement within 45 calendar days from the day following the date on which the announcement of the contract award was published in the EU Official Journal. The complainant must inform the contracting authority of the submission of the complaint to the Appeal Board for Public before or at the same time as the complaint is submitted to the board.
VI.3.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained

Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen/Danish Competition and Consumer Agency
Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby
E-mail: kfst@kfst.dk
Telephone: +45 41715000
Internet address: http://kfst.dk

VI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice:

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