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Quality Control in Metal Forming Processes

Optical 3D measuring systems ensure efficient production control and assembly analysis in series.

ZEISS´s optical 3D measuring systems are used in stamping, bending, drawing, pressing, and forming process chains to guarantee consistent quality assurance: They are used to determine material properties. They help to optimize the design and the simulation of parts and tools. They speed up tool try-out and first article inspection. Optical 3D measuring systems also ensure efficient production control and assembly analysis in series.

Material properties

The knowledge of material properties of a sheet metal material provides a secure basis for adequate component design, for developing a functioning tool with good effective surfaces and for realistic simulation.

Realistic material properties are a prerequisite for reliable simulation and optimization of product variants, tool layout and forming processes.

The ARAMIS system helps to determine these material properties.


3D digitization helps to quickly generate and efficiently use CAD data.

Actual 3D coordinates enable reverse engineering of models, parts and tools. For that, the 3D geometry of these objects is fully scanned and then transferred into CAD data via surface reconstruction.

The inspection of parts can be carried out efficiently. During design, the CAD data is directly provided with inspection features. As soon as a part is produced, it can be inspected immediately.

Optical measuring systems provide fully automated full-field deviations between the complete actual 3D coordinates and the CAD data.

Learn more here.

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Carl Zeiss A/S
Bregnerødvej 133A, 1. sal
3460 Birkerød
Rudersdal Kommune
CVR nummer: DK84786217

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