
Fakta om udbudet

Offentligt udbud


Danmarks Nationalbank

Purchase of Calypso consultant

Danmarks Nationalbank

Opgavebeskrivelse Danmarks Nationalbank (Nationalbanken) is the central bank of Denmark and is an independ-ent, self-governing institution established by law. One of Nationalbanken's objectives is safe payments; Nationalbanken promotes safe settlements of cash and electronic payments. This is done by issuing banknotes and coins and ensuring that payments can be settled between banks. Nationalbanken uses the Calypso system front-to-back across assets as the portfolio management system.

Nationalbanken is currently in the process of making adjustments/changes to the trading plat-form, Calypso. This process requires the development of an automated regression test which will replace or partly replace the current manual regression test. To support this, National-banken has established a project group that is responsible for the implementation hereof in-cluding the development of test scripts using the selected automation tool, CATT.

For the development of test scripts Nationalbanken requires a consultant that will be responsi-ble for the selection of manual test cases for automation, development/maintenance of test scripts, execution of test scenarios and analysing test results.

The consultant shall have the following competencies:
• Knowledge of the Calypso system and capital markets products
• Experience in testing of Calypso functionality and the workflows in Calypso
• Documented experience using the CATT tool
• Basic programming awareness
• It will be very beneficial if the consultant have experience with system testing and inte-gration testing
• Ability to plan and work independently
• Good communication skills

Nationalbanken requires one resource from the 28 September to 24 February 2017.
Nationalbanken shall have the option to prolong the period until the end of April 2017. Na-tionalbanken shall notify the supplier of such a prolongation on 31 January 2017 at the latest.

The consultant shall work onsite at Nationalbanken's address. The consultant shall bear all ex-penses associated herewith.

Nationalbanken requires a security clearance of the offered consultant prior to the assignment, cf. section 12 of the contract.

Tender and award of contract

The tenderer is requested to submit a tender containing the following information within the deadline:
• A description of the qualifications and competencies of the Calypso consultant allocated to the assignment. The tenderer should submit one résumé.
• A description of the offered Calypso consultant's role in the performance of the assignment
• The hourly rate for the offered consultant in DKK exclusive VAT

When selecting the economically most advantageous offer, Nationalbanken will take price and quality into account. The sub-criteria quality will be assessed on the basis of an overall assess-ment of the résumé of the Calypso consultant selected to perform the services as described above.
Quality will weigh 70 % and price will weigh 30 %.

Questions must be made in writing to the contact person below. All questions and answers will be published on Nationalbankens website: https://www.nationalbanken.dk/en/about_danmarks_nationalbank/tenders/Pages/default.aspx
Annonceret 6. september 2016 11:00:00 CEST
Deadline 15. september 2016 12:00:00 CEST
Udbudstype Mindre danske udbud
Opgavetype Tjenesteydelser
Udbudsform Offentligt/åbent udbud
CPV kode 72000000, 72200000
NUTS kode DK
Myndighedstype Andet
Skønnet kontraktsum 1 000 000,00

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmateriale https://www.nationalbanken.dk/en/about_danmarks_nationalbank/tenders/Pages/default.aspx

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

Tildelingskriterier Økonomisk mest fordelagtige bud
Udvælgelseskriterier Tender and award of contract

The tenderer is requested to submit a tender containing the following information within the deadline:
• A description of the qualifications and competencies of the Calypso consultant allocated to the assignment. The tenderer should submit one résumé.
• A description of the offered Calypso consultant's role in the performance of the assignment
• The hourly rate for the offered consultant in DKK exclusive VAT

When selecting the economically most advantageous offer, Nationalbanken will take price and quality into account. The sub-criteria quality will be assessed on the basis of an overall assess-ment of the résumé of the Calypso consultant selected to perform the services as described above.
Quality will weigh 70 % and price will weigh 30 %.


Navn Morten Bostrøm Lundin
Telefon +45 51915187
E-mail mlundin@nationalbanken.dk


Adresse Havnegade 5
1093 København K
Telefon +45 33636035
E-mail amje@nationalbanken.dk
WWW www.nationalbanken.dk

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