
Fakta om udbudet



Evida Service A/S - STIN

Tender procedure concerning HR-software

Evida Service A/S - STIN

OpgavebeskrivelseWith reference to section 191 of the Danish Public Procurement Act, procurement with clearcross-border interest, Evida will acquire HR-software.
The Contracting Entity, Evida, is the national gas distribution company in Denmark. Our responsibility entails designing, operating, and maintaining the gasdistribution network throughout the country as a part of Denmark's critical infrastructure. We acknowledge the significance of having an efficient andintegrated HR-software to fortify our human resources and streamline ourbusiness processes. Consequently, we are in search of qualified and experiencedsuppliers capable of offering a tailored solution to our HR requirements,referred to as "the System" in accordance with the definition put outin the Agreement.
The purpose of thisprocess is to identify a supplier capable of delivering an innovative anduser-friendly HR-software (System) that meets our organization's needs andobjectives. The anticipated new System aims to automate and enhance an array of HR processes, encompassing recruitment, employee administration, learning anddevelopment, as well as reporting.
Ourgoal is to establish a digital platform that not only optimizes our HRactivities but also facilitates improved data-driven decisions and fosters amore cohesive and satisfying experience for our employees.
Please refer to the tender material.
Technical capability
As a minimum requirement the tenderer must submit a list of two (2) similar and relevant references completed/delivered within the last 3 years. By "similar andrelevant" means references demonstrating a deliverance of HR-software, equivalent to the ones set out in this tender and in the same amounts.
The references should include name of employer, contract period and a detailed description of the reference.
The tenderer must only submit 2 references. If more than 2 references are submitted only the first 2 will be part of the evaluation.
Evida reserves the right to request the tenderer to supplement, specify or complete theinformation submitted.
Minimum requirements for suitability are also stated in the published notice on www.udbud.dk
If the tenderer wants to rely on the capacity of other entities regarding "Technical capability" it shall prove to Evida that those resources will be available to it by delivering a commitment by those entities to that effect.
The purchaser is using Mercell Sourcing Services for this tender. To notify your interest and get access to any documents, you must copy and paste the link below into the address-part on your browser. https://permalink.mercell.com/209342753.aspx. Then choose the relevant tender.
Annonceret10. august 2023 16:21:16 CEST
Deadline4. september 2023 09:00:00 CEST
UdbudstypeMindre danske udbud
CPV kode72000000

Dokumenter & materiale

Link til udbudsmaterialehttps://permalink.mercell.com/209342753.aspx

Tildelings- og udvælgelseskriterier

TildelingskriterierØkonomisk mest fordelagtige bud


NavnDiana Bøjesen
Telefon+45 77899000


NavnEvida Service A/S - STIN
AdresseVognmagervej 14
8800 Viborg
Telefon+45 77899000

Modtager af tilbud

NavnMercell Danmark A/S
Adresse for modtagelse af tilbudhttps://permalink.mercell.com/209342753.aspx

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