
Fakta om udbudet



Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

LIMS for radiopharmaceutical production (re-tender)

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU

775085-2024 - Resultater
Danmark – System- og supporttjenester – LIMS for radiopharmaceutical production (re-tender)
OJ S 246/2024 18/12/2024
Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter eller koncessionstildeling – standardordningen
Varer - Tjenesteydelser
1. Køber
Officielt navn Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
E-mail mardau@dtu.dk
Køberens retlige status : Offentligretligt organ
Den ordregivende myndigheds aktivitet : Uddannelse
2. Procedure
Titel LIMS for radiopharmaceutical production (re-tender)
Beskrivelse DTU requires a LIMS for radiopharmaceutical production for The Hevesy Laboratory of the Technical University of Denmark. The Hevesy Laboratory is the radiopharmaceutical unit, which combines cutting-edge research on radionuclides with the commercial production of radiopharmaceuticals. DTU intends to buy a LIMS which is a software that retrieve data from analytical equipment to produce solely digital documentation. The system must also include step by step procedures of manufac-turing process and a quality management system. DTU wants this to be at software package, which is implemented, however, DTU needs support of the system afterwards. DTU is aware that there will ex-penses for licenses and service for the maintenance of the system in the contract period. The contract will become effective on the date of the last signature. The contract will expire when all obligations under the contract have been performed. The expected contract value is including support and licenses in ten years.
Identifikator for proceduren 7858b4d4-66ad-42e6-b613-e99e1c74b149
Tidligere bekendtgørelse : 92d8949e-1b8a-4d43-8512-64b8a53a28a1-01
Intern ID 7620
Udbudsprocedure Offentligt udbud
Proceduren er en hasteprocedure nej
Kontraktens hovedformål Tjenesteydelser
Supplerende kontrakttype Varer
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72250000   System- og supporttjenester
Supplerende klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72000000   It-tjenester: rådgivning, programmeludvikling, internet og support, 72200000   Programmering af software og konsulentvirksomhed, 72260000   Programmelrelaterede tjenester
Landsdel (NUTS) Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land Danmark
Anslået værdi eksklusiv moms 3 300 000,00   DKK
Generelle oplysninger
Indkaldelse af tilbud er afsluttet
Yderligere oplysninger All Tenderers must complete and hand in the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) as part of the tender procedure. The compulsory grounds for exclusion, cf. section 135-136 in the Danish Public Procurement Act, the voluntary grounds for exclusion in section 137(1) (1, 2 and 6) applies for this tender procedure. Pursuant to section 134a in the Danish Public Procurement Act, DTU must exclude a Tenderer from participation in the procurement procedure if the Tenderer is established in a country that is included in the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and has not acceded to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or other trade agreements that oblige Denmark to open the market for public contracts to tenderers established in the country in question. Throughout the term of the Agreement, the Supplier must not be covered by the description in Article 5k of COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2022/576 of 8 April 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine (‘Regulation 2022/576’). Documentation for Information Stated in the ESPD: Upon DTU’s request the Tenderers must document that they are not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion stated in the ESPD.If the Tenderer is a consortium, all legal participants in the consortium must document that the consortium is not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion. If the Tenderer represents a consortium with several legally authorised persons, the Tenderer must complete and submit Appendix A – Consortium Declaration. If the Tenderer relies on the capacities of other entities, each supportive enterprise must document thatthey are not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion.If the Tenderer relies on the capacities of other entities, each entity must complete and submit Appendix B – Letter of Support.For Danish Tenderers the documentation requirement can be fulfilled by presenting an Official Certificate (Serviceattest) from the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen), which must be issued no later than 12 months prior to the date where it is presented to DTU. Non-Danish Tenderers must provide:- An extract from a relevant register or a similar document issued by a competent authority, showingthat the Tenderer is not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion, cf. (the Public Procurement Act) Udbudsloven § 135, sub-section1 (participation in a criminal organization, corruption, bribery, fraud, terrorist or criminal offences linked to terrorist activities, money laundering or terrorist financing and child labour and other forms of human trafficking) and,- A certificate issued by a competent authority showing that the Tenderer is not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion, cf. (the Public Procurement Act) Udbudslovens § 135, subsection 3 (payment of taxes and payment of social security) and § 137, sub-section 1, no. 2 (bankruptcy, insolvency, voluntary arrangement with creditors, analogous situation like bankruptcyunder national law, assets being administered by liquidator and business activities are suspended).If requested by DTU, the Tenderers must document – as stated in the ESPD - that they fulfil minimum levels for suitability by sending a copy of the Tenderers ISO 9000 serie certificate or equivalent.
Direktiv 2014/24/EU
5. Delkontrakt
Delkontrakt LOT-0000
Titel : LIMS for radiopharmaceutical production (re-tender)
Beskrivelse : DTU requires a LIMS for radiopharmaceutical production for The Hevesy Laboratory of the Technical University of Denmark. The Hevesy Laboratory is the radiopharmaceutical unit, which combines cutting-edge research on radionuclides with the commercial production of radiopharmaceuticals. DTU intends to buy a LIMS which is a software that retrieve data from analytical equipment to produce solely digital documentation. The system must also include step by step procedures of manufac-turing process and a quality management system. DTU wants this to be at software package, which is implemented, however, DTU needs support of the system afterwards. DTU is aware that there will ex-penses for licenses and service for the maintenance of the system in the contract period. The contract will become effective on the date of the last signature. The contract will expire when all obligations under the contract have been performed. The expected contract value is including support and licenses in ten years.
Intern ID : 7620
Kontraktens hovedformål : Tjenesteydelser
Supplerende kontrakttype Varer
Primær klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72250000   System- og supporttjenester
Supplerende klassifikation   ( cpv ): 72000000   It-tjenester: rådgivning, programmeludvikling, internet og support, 72200000   Programmering af software og konsulentvirksomhed, 72260000   Programmelrelaterede tjenester
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Anslået varighed
Startdato 01/01/2025
Varigheds slutdato 31/12/2035
Anslået værdi eksklusiv moms 3 300 000,00   DKK
Generelle oplysninger
Indkøbsprojekt, der ikke finansieres med EU-midler
Udbuddet er omfattet af aftalen om offentlige udbud (GPA) ja
Oplysninger om tidligere bekendtgørelser :
ID for den foregående bekendtgørelse : 107879-2024
Yderligere oplysninger : All Tenderers must complete and hand in the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) as part of the tender procedure. The compulsory grounds for exclusion, cf. section 135-136 in the Danish Public Procurement Act, the voluntary grounds for exclusion in section 137(1) (1, 2 and 6) applies for this tender procedure. Pursuant to section 134a in the Danish Public Procurement Act, DTU must exclude a Tenderer from participation in the procurement procedure if the Tenderer is established in a country that is included in the EU list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and has not acceded to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement or other trade agreements that oblige Denmark to open the market for public contracts to tenderers established in the country in question. Throughout the term of the Agreement, the Supplier must not be covered by the description in Article 5k of COUNCIL REGULATION (EU) 2022/576 of 8 April 2022 amending Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine (‘Regulation 2022/576’). Documentation for Information Stated in the ESPD: Upon DTU’s request the Tenderers must document that they are not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion stated in the ESPD.If the Tenderer is a consortium, all legal participants in the consortium must document that the consortium is not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion. If the Tenderer represents a consortium with several legally authorised persons, the Tenderer must complete and submit Appendix A – Consortium Declaration. If the Tenderer relies on the capacities of other entities, each supportive enterprise must document thatthey are not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion.If the Tenderer relies on the capacities of other entities, each entity must complete and submit Appendix B – Letter of Support.For Danish Tenderers the documentation requirement can be fulfilled by presenting an Official Certificate (Serviceattest) from the Danish Business Authority (Erhvervsstyrelsen), which must be issued no later than 12 months prior to the date where it is presented to DTU. Non-Danish Tenderers must provide:- An extract from a relevant register or a similar document issued by a competent authority, showingthat the Tenderer is not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion, cf. (the Public Procurement Act) Udbudsloven § 135, sub-section1 (participation in a criminal organization, corruption, bribery, fraud, terrorist or criminal offences linked to terrorist activities, money laundering or terrorist financing and child labour and other forms of human trafficking) and,- A certificate issued by a competent authority showing that the Tenderer is not encompassed by any of the grounds for exclusion, cf. (the Public Procurement Act) Udbudslovens § 135, subsection 3 (payment of taxes and payment of social security) and § 137, sub-section 1, no. 2 (bankruptcy, insolvency, voluntary arrangement with creditors, analogous situation like bankruptcyunder national law, assets being administered by liquidator and business activities are suspended).If requested by DTU, the Tenderers must document – as stated in the ESPD - that they fulfil minimum levels for suitability by sending a copy of the Tenderers ISO 9000 serie certificate or equivalent.
Kriterium :
Type : Pris
Navn : Pris
Beskrivelse : See tender material.
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 60

Kriterium :
Type : Kvalitet
Navn : Quality and functionality
Beskrivelse : See tender material.
Vægtning (procentdel, præcis) : 40
Oplysninger om klagefrister : Complaint regarding award of contract:Complaint regarding the award of a contract must be submitted no later than 45 calendar days from the date after the Contracting Authority has published a notice in the European Union Official Journal informing that the Contracting Authority has awarded/concluded a contract, cf. lov om Klagenævnet for Udbud (Complaints Board for Tenders) § 7, Section 2, no. 1.
Rammeaftale : Ingen rammeaftale
Oplysninger om det dynamiske indkøbssystem : Intet dynamisk indkøbssystem
Elektronisk auktion nej
Yderligere oplysninger, mægling og gennemgang
Organisation med ansvar for klager Klagenævnet for Udbud
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angående sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen og arbejdsvilkår på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Organisation, der udfører betalingen Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
TED eSender Mercell Holding ASA
6. Resultater
Værdien af alle kontrakter tildelt i denne bekendtgørelse 3 138 977,75   DKK
Resultat delkontrakt-ID LOT-0000
Status for udvælgelse af vinder Der er udvalgt mindst én vinder.
Oplysninger om vinderne
Officielt navn LabLogic Systems Limited
Tilbud – Identifikator 7620
ID for delkontrakt eller gruppe af delkontrakter LOT-0000
Underentreprise Nej
Identifikator for kontrakten 7620
Titel Agreement on LIMS for radiopharmaceutical production
Datoen for udvælgelsen af det vindende tilbud 28/10/2024
Dato for indgåelse af kontrakten 11/12/2024
Statistiske oplysninger
Modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse :
Type modtagne indgivelser : Tilbud
Antal modtagne tilbud og ansøgninger om deltagelse 3
8. Organisationer
Officielt navn : Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Registreringsnummer : 30060946
Postadresse : Anker Engelunds Vej 1    
By : Kgs. Lyngby
Postnummer : 2800
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
Enhed : Marianne Dauding
E-mail : mardau@dtu.dk
Telefon : +45 33344398
Internetadresse : https://www.dtu.dk
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer supplerende oplysninger om udbudsproceduren
Organisation, der sikrer adgang til udbudsdokumenterne offline
Organisation, hvis budget anvendes til at betale for kontrakten
Organisation, der udfører betalingen
Officielt navn : Klagenævnet for Udbud
Registreringsnummer : 37795526
Postadresse : Nævnenes hus, Toldboden 2    
By : Viborg
Postnummer : 8800
Landsdel (NUTS) : Østjylland   ( DK042 )
Land : Danmark
E-mail : klfu@erst.dk
Telefon : +45 35291000
Internetadresse : http://www.kfst.dk/
Denne organisations roller
Organisation med ansvar for klager
Officielt navn : Konkurrence- og Forbrugerstyrelsen
Registreringsnummer : 10294819
Postadresse : Carl Jacobsens Vej 35    
By : Valby
Postnummer : 2500
Landsdel (NUTS) : Københavns omegn   ( DK012 )
Land : Danmark
E-mail : kfst@kfst.dk
Telefon : +45 41715000
Internetadresse : http://www.kfst.dk
Denne organisations roller
Organisation, der leverer oplysninger om den generelle lovgivningsramme angående sikkerhed på arbejdspladsen og arbejdsvilkår på det sted, hvor kontrakten skal udføres
Officielt navn : LabLogic Systems Limited
Registreringsnummer : GB 123 4062 57
Postadresse : Innovation House, 6 Europa View Sheffield    
By : Sheffield
Postnummer : S91XH
Landsdel (NUTS) : Tyneside   ( UKC22 )
Land : Det Forenede Kongerige
Telefon : +44 1142 667 267
Denne organisations roller
Vinder af disse delkontrakter LOT-0000
Officielt navn : Mercell Holding ASA
Registreringsnummer : 980921565
Postadresse : Askekroken 11    
By : Oslo
Postnummer : 0277
Landsdel (NUTS) : Oslo   ( NO081 )
Land : Norge
Enhed : eSender
Telefon : +47 21018800
Fax : +47 21018801
Internetadresse : http://mercell.com/
Denne organisations roller
TED eSender
11. Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Oplysninger om bekendtgørelsen
Bekendtgørelsens ID : 8a159580-5e21-42bc-b8f4-835018d14567   - 01
Formulartype : Resultater
Bekendtgørelsestype : Bekendtgørelse om indgåede kontrakter eller koncessionstildeling – standardordningen
Bekendtgørelsesundertype 29
Afsendelsesdato for bekendtgørelsen : 16/12/2024   20:36:19 (UTC)
Dato for afsendelse af bekendtgørelsen (eSender) : 16/12/2024   21:00:43 (UTC)
Bekendtgørelsens officielle sprog : dansk
Oplysninger om offentliggørelsen
Bekendtgørelsesnummer : 775085-2024
EUT-S-nummer : 246/2024
Offentliggørelsesdato : 18/12/2024

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